Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tagg???? Layan je lah..


Four things about me that you may or may not know…..

Four jobs I have had in my life
1. External Auditor
2. Head, Accounts Department
3. Lecturer
4. Finance Manager

Four movies/ TV series I would watch over and over
1. Anything on HBO
2. Mr Bean series..
3. Kampong Boy
4. Anything on Astro Ceria ..sbb kena paksa tengok oleh Farish

Four places I've lived
1. Kuantan, Pahang
2. Boston, Massachusetts , USA
3. Paya Bungor, Kuantan
4. Uitm Shah Alam- for 6 month preparation g overseas.

Four places I have been:
1. Boston, MA, USA - been here for 4 yrs - i had 'my life' here..
2. New York- gi traveling during summer holidays- 1987
3. Perth Australia- family holiday -2001.
4. P.Langkawi - honeymoon..and ..second visit -family holiday..

People who e-mail me (regularly)
1. My staff - minta cuti
2. Kuatagh Group
3.Farah - PA Boss
4. Org yg tagg ni.

Four of my favourite foods:
1. Nasi lemak
2. ns goreng ikan masin
3. Mi basah
4. Mc Egg

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. in bed..while watching tv till fall asleep
3.on the beach..anywhere in the world bed..feeling really sleepy

girp/s: betul ke gini kena tagg?..nasib baik elissa ajarkan..anak2ku technical savvy belaka..great girls..


MuMMy 2 Haqq said...

betooii la tu..

Anonymous said...

seems that we have 1 thing in common laaa... the astro ceria&kg boy...
which is truly a paksa-rela thing 2do....argghhh