Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Great management is about character..not technique..

..quoted from Thomas Teal.. Harvard Business REview..
Well..character is what u really are..thus..need to be built up..established..and properly handled.

CHARACTER..everybody has one. Be it good or bad..all depends on how one was brought up..Of course we tend to inherit some of our parents' characters or personalities, but i still believe that characters and personalities can be re-shaped as we get older or matured.

Unfortunately, some never bother to 're-visit' or 'review' their own characters - they resist to change. As a result, we would bump into people who are selfish..self centered..and inconsiderate..These pple never take stock of what is happening around them..very insensitive to others..Yes...there are many of these pple around..yet ...they survive...


Anonymous said...

i guess that's the beauty of life..

indeed, it's really ironic on how some people can be totally selfish when others can be more considerate and tolerate to each other...
Life is not fair..Yet, the Creator has promised that "you sow what you reap.."
To this blog author,
don't worry..keep on spreading love and good things to others.
Leave these people to God who will deal with them..

Have a nice day!

lizahari said...

Anonymous: thanks for dropping by. I feel a lot better tday...tq 4 sharing your view.


i believe that there must be some reason why Allah had created people like that. You know, they are there to test us and also act like a mirror to us. So that we won't be the same like them. We are better person and don't let them make us be worse..