Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Past One Week....

18th Dec 08:
Attended a BOD meeting. Phew..meeting lasted for 3 hours. I was usual. Really..i hate the's like going through a tough exam in a big tensed..but THANKGOD.. nothing much was queried on my parts. Actually the main agenda for the BOD meeting this time was to approve the BUDGET 09..and the budget09 was approved without any objections or ammendments. That was a BIG relief to me..and the team as well. It was a team effort..definitely not me alone..never..

At Nite:

For the past one week, tonite was the first nite that i could sleep well..that's how stressful i was...well..that's the responsibilities that i hv to shoulder.

19th December 08 (Friday):

TGIF!!!!!(THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY)'s friday nite and it's a FAMILY NITE OUT..This has been the routine for me and my hubby to take our kids out on friday kids normally look forward to fridays. I thought of taking Kak Lang along, but didnt know that Alang was already on the bus to KL. Alang, Pakteh did not inform me that Alang planned to go to KL. Anyway, probably next time lah ye..

20th December 08:


Cleaner came as early as 8.00 am. Looks like I have to engage Lim for my permanent cleaner since we have decided to discontinue my indon maid who had gone back for almost 2 months..she was sick and has not fully recovered..and we do not want to take any more uncalculated risks..enough is enough.

My cleaner Lim has been serving me for almost 9 years already and i had to discontinue her service 4 months ago because we wanted to hire the indon maid. Now that it didnt work with the indon maid, I had to beg Lim to come back and luckily she agreed. Lim can be trusted and i normally leave the house while she and her kids are doing their chores.

I just can't handle the whole house myself..even Lim does it with two of her teenage kids..too much to do..5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms..not to mention other things..

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