Wednesday, December 31, 2008
rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others.The questions are as follows:
1. Where is your cell phone? KITCHEN
2. Your hair color? BLACK..
3. Your mother? TALKATIVE
4. Your father? QUIET
5. Your favorite thing? I-PHONE
6. Your dream last night? NIGHTMARE
7. Your dream/goal? RICH
8. The room you're in? HOME LIBRARY
9. Your hobby? BROWSING
10. Your fear? LOSING
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? RETIREMENT
12. Where were you last night? HOME
13. What you're not? HIPOKRIT
14. One of your wish-list items? sorry cannot answer in one word already le..BLACKBERRY EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY OWN AN I-PHONE. BLACKBERRY SOUNDS SAVVY TO ME..IN WHAT WAY? DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN.
15. Where you grew up? KUANTAN
16. The last thing you did? ISYA' PRAYER
17. What are you wearing? PYJAMA
20. Your computer? ALWAYS ON
22. Missing someone?NEYY
23. Your car? SILVER
24. Something you're not wearing?SHOULD I TELL?
25. Favorite store? THE STORE..
27. Love someone? MY CHILDREN'S PAPA
28. Your favorite color? BROWN
31. Last person you text? A C0LLEAGUE
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What's next?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Life's like that..
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Rough Road Ahead..
Next year is a not-so-easy year for us. I hv to make a lot of adjustments in terms of our daily family routine. Even now the kids are quite well
informed of the adjustments n are very much prepared for the unexpected. InsyaAllah..everything is under good control n well taken care of.
The Past One Week....
Attended a BOD meeting. Phew..meeting lasted for 3 hours. I was usual. Really..i hate the's like going through a tough exam in a big tensed..but THANKGOD.. nothing much was queried on my parts. Actually the main agenda for the BOD meeting this time was to approve the BUDGET 09..and the budget09 was approved without any objections or ammendments. That was a BIG relief to me..and the team as well. It was a team effort..definitely not me alone..never..
At Nite:
For the past one week, tonite was the first nite that i could sleep well..that's how stressful i was...well..that's the responsibilities that i hv to shoulder.
19th December 08 (Friday):
TGIF!!!!!(THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY)'s friday nite and it's a FAMILY NITE OUT..This has been the routine for me and my hubby to take our kids out on friday kids normally look forward to fridays. I thought of taking Kak Lang along, but didnt know that Alang was already on the bus to KL. Alang, Pakteh did not inform me that Alang planned to go to KL. Anyway, probably next time lah ye..
20th December 08:
Cleaner came as early as 8.00 am. Looks like I have to engage Lim for my permanent cleaner since we have decided to discontinue my indon maid who had gone back for almost 2 months..she was sick and has not fully recovered..and we do not want to take any more uncalculated risks..enough is enough.
My cleaner Lim has been serving me for almost 9 years already and i had to discontinue her service 4 months ago because we wanted to hire the indon maid. Now that it didnt work with the indon maid, I had to beg Lim to come back and luckily she agreed. Lim can be trusted and i normally leave the house while she and her kids are doing their chores.
I just can't handle the whole house myself..even Lim does it with two of her teenage kids..too much to do..5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms..not to mention other things..
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tagg???? Layan je lah..
Four things about me that you may or may not know…..
Four jobs I have had in my life
1. External Auditor
2. Head, Accounts Department
3. Lecturer
4. Finance Manager
Four movies/ TV series I would watch over and over
1. Anything on HBO
2. Mr Bean series..
3. Kampong Boy
4. Anything on Astro Ceria ..sbb kena paksa tengok oleh Farish
Four places I've lived
1. Kuantan, Pahang
2. Boston, Massachusetts , USA
3. Paya Bungor, Kuantan
4. Uitm Shah Alam- for 6 month preparation g overseas.
Four places I have been:
1. Boston, MA, USA - been here for 4 yrs - i had 'my life' here..
2. New York- gi traveling during summer holidays- 1987
3. Perth Australia- family holiday -2001.
4. P.Langkawi - honeymoon..and ..second visit -family holiday..
People who e-mail me (regularly)
1. My staff - minta cuti
2. Kuatagh Group
3.Farah - PA Boss
4. Org yg tagg ni.
Four of my favourite foods:
1. Nasi lemak
2. ns goreng ikan masin
3. Mi basah
4. Mc Egg
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. in bed..while watching tv till fall asleep
3.on the beach..anywhere in the world bed..feeling really sleepy
girp/s: betul ke gini kena tagg?..nasib baik elissa ajarkan..anak2ku technical savvy belaka..great girls..
Phlegmatic Melancholy....That's what I am..
Strengths of a Phlegmatic
The Introvert | The Watcher | The Pessimist- Low-key personality
- Easygoing and relaxed
- Calm, cool and collected
- Patient well balanced
- Consistent life
- Quiet but witty
- Sympathetic and kind
- Keeps emotions hidden
- Happily reconciled to life
- All-purpose person
- Makes a good parent
- Takes time for the children
- Is not in a hurry
- Can take the good with the bad
- Doesn't get upset easily
- Competent and steady
- Peaceful and agreeable
- Has administrative ability
- Mediates problems
- Avoids conflicts
- Good under pressure
- Finds the easy way
- Easy to get along with
- Pleasant and enjoyable
- Inoffensive
- Good listener
- Dry sense of humor
- Enjoys watching people
- Has many friends
- Has compassion and concern
Strengths of a Melancholy
The Introvert | The Thinker | The Pessimist- Deep and thoughtfully
- Analytical
- Serious and purposeful
- Genius prone
- Talented and creative
- Artistic or musical
- Philosophical and poetic
- appreciative of beauty
- Sensitive to others
- Self-sacrificing
- Conscientious
- Idealistic
- Sets high standards
- Wants everything done right
- Keeps home in good order
- Picks up after children
- Sacrifices own will for others
- Encourages scholarship and talent
- Schedule oriented
- Perfectionist, high standards
- Detail conscious
- Persistent and thorough
- Orderly and organized
- Neat and tidy
- Economical
- Sees the problems
- Finds creative solutions
- Needs to finish what he starts
- Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists
- Makes friends cautiously
- Content to stay in background
- Avoids causing attention
- Faithful and devoted
- Will listen to complaints
- Can solve other's problems
- Deep concern for other people
- Moved to tears with compassion
- Seeks ideal mate
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Great management is about character..not technique..
Well..character is what u really are..thus..need to be built up..established..and properly handled.
CHARACTER..everybody has one. Be it good or bad..all depends on how one was brought up..Of course we tend to inherit some of our parents' characters or personalities, but i still believe that characters and personalities can be re-shaped as we get older or matured.
Unfortunately, some never bother to 're-visit' or 'review' their own characters - they resist to change. As a result, we would bump into people who are selfish..self centered..and inconsiderate..These pple never take stock of what is happening around them..very insensitive to others..Yes...there are many of these pple around..yet ...they survive...
Monday, December 1, 2008
'wild thoughts....huh?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Mas, u must be the most happiest person in the world today..all your hard work a full time working mum, part time student and God knows what else..u should be proud of Along and of course to a great extent, yourself..I know how much efforts u put in..the hardships u gone thru..the tears u shed and the pain u suffered in making sure your daughters get the best in lives..All pays off today. I know how it feels as that was how i felt 2 years ago when Hilda got 5As in her UPSR. I guess we got excited as this is our first time going thru all these.
Deep down..I envy you in so many ways..u survived despite many obstacles in life..unlike pampered, protected and fragile.. they are always there for it good times or bad..yet I complained..I'm being ungrateful..
Anyway, Mas, i want u to know that Ive been dying to write one good entry for u in my blog..but never had a chance to do it..u know how 'miserable' my life has been the past few weeks..but today i make it a point to write something about u..esp when today is a special day for Along and u and the rest of ur family..CONGRATULATIONS ALONG..
Sunday, November 2, 2008
People's Perception..just let it be..
At breakfast with Mas and Aishah this morning, I learned that they are also doing the same thing all the while..cook for b/fast, lunch, do ironing and God knows what..Guess..I'm not thing that they may not have in common with me is that I have to bring my work back..that is the VERY thing that pple 'around me' dont get it and would never get it!!! That's why 'they' see this as a simple problem..that it is normal chores for 'housewife' (cum working mum) to settle..
My work full of matters without datelines are meaningless!!!..that is another aspect that pple 'around me' are not able to digest completely..They may think i'm avoiding my responsibilities as a wife..but the truth is difficult to explain..and even if it is well is difficult to change pple's perception.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hectic Days Ahead...
Now, baru rasa ada quality life..have more time to myself..the kids and family..and work. I do bring work back. Prob i'm the workaholic type.No?..
Actually I just chaired a 3 day seminar for 2009 Budget Presentation for the company where all HODs had to present their proposed budget to the mgt team. My pple and I organised and coordinated the seminar. My boss wanted it proper, professional and presentable as all HODs and the top team would be in the seminar. It sounds 'takde apa sangat' but I had to make sure everything went well. Prepared speech for myself to welcome the participants, speech for my boss as kata-kata aluan and perasmian seminar. Briefed him on a timely basis regarding the preparation. Nothing was left unnoticed..
ThankGod things went well..Comments from my boss in his opening speech was preparation was detail and thorough and he acknowledged the effort!!!!..That's all i wanna least those sleepless nites..burning my midnite oil..balancing the figures, analysing the financial implications in the light of the current turmoils..all paid off.
The 3 day seminar ended today...The wrapping up session was successfully handled and moderated..Last but not least..thanks to my dearest hubby for 'showing me the way'..U always know the best..What more could i ask for!!
That is self makes me feel good least it brings 'zessstttt' into my life.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Open office..Raya gathering..
Just imagine dept in the office holds its 'makan-makan raya' and invites staff from other day, another dept opens its office, hosts and invites other staff as day..another dept follows end of the month of Syawal, practically the staff have been getting together with the same group for at least 12 times in three weeks (2nd week of Oct until 4th week of Oct)...which means they are meeting and eating and chatting with the same group of pple 4 times a week. Now..let's calculate..each makan-makan may take at least one hour..some take 2 hours..some more ..some terus hilang..If there are 4 times makan-makan in a will come up to on average of 12 hours a week (4 times an average of 3 hours of makan per open dept)..
That 12 hours is equivalent to one and a half day of working days..
NOW...that explains why some HODs are still sitting on my departmental budgets....and even those submitted..they are not up to 'par'...sad to say..
Monday, October 13, 2008
Budget submission..due date is today..
Problem here is..some of them can't even plan for at least one year ahead..good managers should be able to anticipate any shortcomings in the next 12 months or even 5-10 years ahead..and the corresponding financial implications attached to it..
I thought I was dealing with professionals, some are PHD candidates..master holders and at least degree holders with not less than 5 years experience...sigh..sigh...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Back To Work..
Received a message from CEO's P.A. yesterday that it'll be a brief management meeting early in the morning..Hope it will not spoil my enthusiastic, energetic and motivated mood for the day. I hope my boss is also in the same mood..hopefully..BTW, he is one unpredictable guy. It's like what Tom Hank said in 'Forest Gump' movie.."life is like a box of chocolates..u never know what u gonna get"...that's it.."U never know what u gonna get" from him..Well..normally my boss is reasonable and rational..hope that remains.
Just get my fingers crossed..
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My Work..My Life..
No complain. Really. We need to enjoy what we're doing..or is really dull at work. Thanks to the whole team in Finance Department..I wouldn't have come this far without their sincere support. Strange thing about the dept is that all of us are females..there are nine of us in the dept.
My team members, (if you are reading this), please keep up your good work and committment. Our dept is the living indicators to the organisation..please take pride in what you do..
Finally, we should take CEO's positive remarks during his briefing today as a compliment to our good job for the past one least he noticed the good job and efforts u guys had delivered. Congratulation girls..Selamat Hari Raya.
Friday, September 19, 2008
A friend in needs, is a friend indeed..
For the first 2 days I was there, I got bored to death..buffet ramadan at the hotel was closed as they were having functions for the place to break my fast..ThankGod Ijah was around and willing to fetch me for break fast elsewhere..For 2 days, I had not been talking to any soul for more than 3 minutes..even when I was on the phone, it only took me less than 3 minutes..
I had good talking usual, she always had issues to bring up..before sending me back, we dropped by at 7 elevens for tit keep me awake for the next 6 hours for study..
The next day, Ijah offered her hospitality again, but I couldn't make it as my time was very limited. Anyway, thank you for being there for me..especially when I was in are always there for me..Still remember my last visit to KL a month ago, she drove all the way from Malacca after her long day at seminar, just to have dinner with me..
It's not that I didn't have anyone in KL..a whole bunch of them..but I just don't want to put pple in trouble for me..most of the time, none of them knew that I was around in I can't blame my sister, sisters-in law, nephews or nieces for not offering their hospitality..
Well..a friend in needs, is a friend indeed..probably that's what she is..I think it's what u put into a friendsip bcoz I always believe that u will get back what u put in. No doubt that we used to have differences especially when she was here, but hey..that made me understand her more..
Well, anyway Ijah..if u are reading this..I think you are on the right track in terms of career and life outside career. Don't look back because you will not move forward if u keep clinging on to what had happened in the past. And I think u are also 'taking the road less travelled' too..being among the few females in the organisation is a great challenge especially when u are still 'trang tang tang'...he..he..Unfortunately Ijah..the good men had already been taken..u are probably left with the 'goodest' good luck and till we meet again..
Taking the Road Less Travelled...
Taking the road less travelled?..probably that's what it is..thanks to the support that I got from people dearest to me..especially my dearest hubby, the girls and my 'Ultraman Tiga'. My family knows how much sacrifices I made and perseverance that I went through before the hubby had to put up with a lot of nonsense from me..looked after the house and the kids..did house chores..the girls as well..they had to settle for quick and simple meals for break fast and 'sahur'..but they never complained..what more could i ask for..such a great family i have..All these are probably the driving factors for me to go on with my studies..although..I was the spur of the moment..thinking of quitting..
If I had to come back for the next sitting, which I hope I would not, I would do it differently..apply different approach to my more thorough in comprehensing the materials..that does IT!!!..YUPPP...Let's do it better and smarter..
Why the Road Less Travelled ??? Less travelled by pple like me..only 2% are outside Klang Valley..and I am in that selected few..lucky or unlucky, whichever the case may be, I would take this as a challenge to complete my last 2 papers..come what may..I will go through it..that's the promise I make today to myself and to those dearest to me..I will not lose sight..will make sure it worth everybody's while..
Not many are familiar with MIA QE exam that I'm going for..let it be unfamiliar to some..but it is important to me and my career here..especially when Kolej Antarabangsa IKIP is developing and growing and expanding..with Kolej Universiti in the making, that scroll of papers would put me on a different playing level.. is the path less travelled because not many would go through what I am going through especially when smart local graduates are able to obtain such qualification merely through automatic conversion via degree in accounting in any of local universities..of course with 3 years of experience in accounting or finance environment..that's the different between the 'automatic conversion' and the 'accountant in the making'..
Had I been given a choice of doing things differently, I would definitely not giving up the opportunities of studying overseas..even though I have to take another 4 papers of MIA..surely being overseas graduates gave me the experience that I might not get them here..'s nice to be able to express how I feel in this blog..not bad huh...I can actually wonder there are many 'new bloggers on the block'..
Well..I will continue writing..and writing..
Readers,if any at all, would be reading a lot of 'me'..soon..