Just came back from PESAYA official opening at SUKPA. Tired but partly proud when i saw Elissa standing tall with her other ASSUNTA GIRLS performing their choir. I could see Elissa from afar, standing at the back row,(third from right). She really enjoyed herself..proudly and bravely waving at the crowd..
PESAYA is the annual sport for all the State foundations and this year, Yayasan pahang is the host.
Got the chance to meet Elissa's teacher while having tea after the performance. The teacher mistakenly thought that i was Elissa's sister..Hah..bior betul..well it was a credit to me.
Actually, i think, the teacher was mistaken me for Hilda, my eldest daughter who was also her student then. (Many said that Hilda looks exactly like me.).or..probably because the outfit i was in today..sports t-shirt and casual pants and sport shoes..or probably the teacher was too tired and couldnt see things properly...hehe..sorry cikgu..i hope i was wrong.
i think cikgu sees things with her heart, not just with her bare eyes..hehe..
hilda komen ape ekk...
is she really look that OLD...?
jgn mareeee.....
Yoo...kembang la tu.. but memang betul you always look younger than your age because of your feature, bila body maintain, memang nampak young. Plus some more with you know how to dress up yourself, tak ler nampak macam makcik2 macam org tu... ha ha ha...
oiiii !!!!
cis~ ~
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