Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Intrinsic Value of Life...

MANUSIA walau di mana jua dan bila2 masa pun akan sentiasa hipokrit dan mengamalkan resmi lalang.
Malangnya mereka inilah yg menerajui sesebuah organisasi. Di manakah kesedaran mereka2 ini. Tak boleh kah diwujudkan satu organisasi yg sihat dan bebas dari semua itu?

Inilah 'nilai-nilai murni' yg kita bakal semai dan perturunkan kepada anak2 kita dan generasi2 baru. Kenapa kita sudah tidak matang berfikir? Kita rasa kita cukup professional dlm tugas kita tapi kita lupa yg kita mungkin 'terpijak kaki kawan' sebelah.Kenapa nilai2 murni dan kematangan berfikir sudah tidak dijadikan ukuran didalam membuat sebarang keputusan?

Kita menghadapi tanggungjwb yg besar utk menerapkan nilai hidup atau nilai diri yg sebenarnya kepada anak2 kita. Masalahnya, terlalu sukar utk kita perturunkan kerana tidak byk contoh2 yg baik disekeliling kita yg dapat kita tunjuk kpd anak2 kita. Apakah itu nilai murni? Kekadang kita sendiri pun tidak pasti.

Sifat ketidakadilan jg telah kita terapkan di peringkat taska lagi.

It was only the other day that my five year old son complained that he was forced to take nap at certain hour when another friend of his was left awake n was free to do whatever he wanted to do. Later we learned that the boy was the son of the kakak pengasuh. Today my son came back n complained again that he was not allowed to bring his toys to 'school' but it was okay for THE boy to do so.How do i explained this to my son? That this is the fact of life that he has to go thru?.. That it is okay to be biased? That what he is going thru is normal? I felt guilty for allowing it to happen to my son. He kept asking his dad why he got different treatment. Double standard so to speak.

Pity my dear son for having to go thru the 'bitter' side of life this early. Maybe this is part of learning process. He learns, re-learns and unlearns...But as parents, we have bigger roles to play. Bigger than what we could think of.

Our current financial crisis is nothing compared to the crisis that we put ourselves through.

Sent via iPhone.


norcshari said...

toys apa la yg farish bawa tu?

lizahari said...

Haha farish bawak handphone ben10 yg elissa baru belikan utk bday present dia. Dah kantoi.

nisa shari said...

baik xyah bawa. later, the other BOY will rampas, n @ d end of d day, farish jugak kena marah
hmm..mmg tidak adil

p/s: rasanye, 2ble std ni fr kindie smpaila ofis tua tak abis2...