Friday, March 13, 2009

A good friend of mine..

Some issues cropped up kat ofis early this week. Actually matters arising tu pun almost settled but dlm 'keriuhan' itu rupa-rupanya ada insan yg ter'kecil' hati. Bukan nk citer pasal 'kecik' hati tu tapi nk citer pasal org yg kecik hati tu. Rupe- rupenya 'over sensitif' gak kawan aku sorang ni. Tapi seingatku, dia ni insan yg 'kuat dan kental gitu. Malah i admire her strength and her perseverance. In comparison to me, i am so fragile and sensitive ter'over'.

Rupa-rupanya kawan aku ni dah berjangkit penyakit aku lah...tu lah.. She has too much of me..

On a serious note, I think we both understand each other very well. I actually learned a lot from her..(probably i never said it out to her all these while.) Learned how to survive emotionally thru thicks n thins...although difficult but i'm learning and trying. And i always had HER in mind whenever things didnt go my way.. How would she handle this if she was in my shoes..and of course she would b the first to listen to all my 'grievances'. Sometimes to ease off sakit hati yg teramat, we start calling people names. Hah.. that' how BL got her name. But she went further and suggested that BS sounded better. Those were the times.

Anyway, as the saying goes:
It's the things in common that make friendship enjoyable but its the little differences that make them intetesting.

P/s: sorry if u misunderstood my 'worries'..u know lah it's a JUNGLE out there in the office. Kena pasang perisai byk. Anyway...thanks for always there for me.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:


Betullah orang kata, when you close with somebody, there tend to be certain aspects will slowly 'berjangkit'. I also realized anyway, after all the hard times that i went through, i became more and more sensitive like you...Tapi kan sebenarnya, nobody can force us to be somebody, it's all from within, we are in control of ourselves, aren't we???